So I guess I learned a few things. First, photography:
I learned how hard it is to get decent shots at something like this from the crowd. It was ok to take photos, you just can't sell them, you couldn't use flash, and you couldn't take movies. There's a lot of "noise/ grain" in the photos as I'm pushing my camera to it's limits to get exposures, zoom in, and still stop action. So these don't have much value except for e-mail or something. I did crop and shrink the size down to post. The ice was so bright and the seating area was dark, so if I metered light off of the ice, the shot would be dark, before each shot I'd meter between the the two and then turn and get the shot. At the same time I'd zoom, compose, and focus and judge when something cool would happen. It wasn't easy. There are a lot nicer digital cameras than mine. At some point I'll up-grade, but no matter what camera you have you still have to understand a few things to make it all work. It isn't like you can go out and buy a great camera and it will do everythihg for you. It just doesn't work that way.
Second: I no longer have the attitude I used to have about figure skating. I mostly had an attitude because of how terrible the coverage of ski racing is during the Olympics in compairson. I realize that skating makes for a more popular TV show and is easier to cover. But when it comes to "sports" I'm not sure if this is pure sport. This kind of crosses over into entertainment, especially when the results are not clear to the viewers. Several times the scoring made no sense and just seemed unfair. I think that's a problem they need to work on. But tonight the best pair won and I had picked them as my favorite, so it's all good. (Plus it was FREE!)
Yay! I'm glad to hear the pair you picked won!
I think figure skaters have the most well-developed legs. You'd think that prize would go to dancers or runners.
Imagine trying to get those shots with a film camera! But you have some nice shots in there; good job!
Scoring in figure skating is similar to dancing, gymnastics, or cheerleading, for that matter. I'll be super girly and say I consider all of those as "sports" on sheer athletic ability required alone.
I'm glad you had a good time! I was flipping through channels this weekend and saw about 10 seconds on TV, so maybe I saw you on TV, and maybe I didn't. The rink was packed!
I had an understanding of gymnastics scoring,(when I was up on the moves). Best was 10 (if the moves had enough difficulty) A,B,C, and could add up to 10 to begin with.) And then deductions from there. One fall and it was over unless everyone else fell.
There was one couple that fell twice figureskating and scored higher than other couples who didn't fall and who's routine looked just as difficult. I'm sure it's because I don't understand what I'm looking at but that just didn't make sense.
The other thing I have to mention is that in the men's finals the defending champ Johnny Weir fell and then later broke down and cried about it, and not out of pain, it was an emotional break down, in the "tears and kisses" area. That put me off. I could kind of understand it if he broke his leg or something.
But other than that it was cool. Spokane broke attendance records. It's because we are starved for anything to do up here. We do have Gonzaga basketball.
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