It's a rock with an elk painted on it. It was a gift. The thermometer was a gift too. Not things I would buy for myself. But I've been told they are both cool. What do I know? I just get these things and put them out. I must admit I like the thermometer and I guess I also like the elk rock painting. It's kind of a western thing and it's a hand painted rock by someone that someone knew. It's not like I'm really into elk or anything. But people come here and think cool. Elk. And it's not that I don't like elk. I like all animals including dogs. I'm not crazy about snakes however. Now if I only had a picture of elk playing poker,... :) Hey, I need to stop giving out all of my good ideas!
And this brings to mind a story. One time I was with one of my friends, a guy I work with and he wanted to stop at Shopko to get a new toothbrush and some toothpaste. So I went in with him and we were in the checkout line. There was this cute girl checking us out and he said to me, "boy I sure am glad to get this toothbrush. I haven't brushed my teeth in weeks!" And that girl just looked at us like,.. you filthy pigs, and then she wouldn't even look at us. Of course he was just kidding. This guy is lots of fun to go shopping with.
Those thermometers ARE cool!
I moved to California and I'm now a converted warm-weather person. Although I think I would still like brisk fall afternoons.
I'm amused that the ShopKo girl didn't realize it was a joke.
The thermometer was a gift from my boss as she drew my name at the gift exchange.
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