It was one of those days. First I replaced a hot water tank heating element. That was fun. Then when I tried to turn the pump on, nothing. That sucked. (or didn't suck depending on how you look at it) So I ended up tearing the whole thing apart, and I'm really not much of a plumber, but I'm learning.
The sun started going down and it was time for me to take my skiff out ( which I named Aunt Gertrude after my deceased aunt who used to have a place here, and this is off point but I think I'll name all of my future boats after my aunts, but I have to wait until they die) Anyway I jumped on Aunt Gertrude and took off with neighbors watching. I was going along several hundred yards off of shore RRRRRRRRRR and then the old outboard motor konked out. I could see people on shore with fires going. Now I was the entertainment. I tried over and over to start it. The wind was blowing me out and away from my place. Finally I realized the gas line wasn't hooked up. Aunt Gertrude came back to life and off we went together.... (into the sunset)
That is a photo worth saving . . .if the original file is large enough you should make posters of that.
I don't know Diane, I was goofing around with the exposure compensation when I took that. That picture doesn't look very good on some monitors, although it looked ok on the camera.
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