I went to Montana for a few days mostly to do yard work, but I did kick back a litte too. I took out the sea kayak a few times for a paddle when the lake was calm. This photo is as the sun set Sunday night. That's my view of the bow of the sea kayak in the foreground. I also took it out when the water was glass calm Monday morning. It was really ,.. well calming. I guess there is a "trail system" for non motorized watercraft that goes to different islands that you can camp on around the lake. I'll try and find a link.

I also did try and work off some of my winter fat on the bike. It's 1000 feet higher in elevation from where I live. Here is a photo from my morning ride on Sunday as I went along the shore of the lake. It had snowed on Friday and it was beautiful up there. I got to thinking that Sunday I should have driven up to Glacier Park. It would have been beautiful beyond description, but it is often so nice at Flathead that you never want to leave. The water in Flathead Lake comes from Glacier and the high mineral content makes it reflect a turquoise color.
I bought this candy bar over there. It's a Country Cowgirl Bar. Is that Sigourney Weaver?! They should do a western version of Alien. I have the script right here... Alien eggs are found on a dinosaur dig near Bozeman Montana and one of them hatches and gets loose at a rodeo. Ripley chases after it on a horse and grabbs that little doggie by the horns! Or something like that. :)
Click on this phototo see it bigger. My gosh!
Beautiful photos! The light coming through the trees is fantastic.
Milk Chocolate with a Caramel Center? How scandalous!
The water is down right now so the lake won't flood with the run-off from Glacier Park as the snow melts. So a light boat like a sea kayak is perfect right now, plus you have the whole lake to yourself. Just don't want to fall in as the water is very cold.
I had to buy that candy bar when I saw it.
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