But crap, it has to be hard to clean this outhouse up as it is out in the woods where there is no water. I'm just not sure that this note will reach the target audience. If they do read, it might be counterproductive.
I had to blur out some profanity that someone added at the bottom of the note. Bicycle log is a PROFANITY FREE ZONE. (THIS RULE ONLY APPLIES TO ME. feel free to say anything you want in my comments, within reason of course.) I didn't mention back then, that I didn't want a young person coming across my blog and reading profanity, or whatever you want to call it, and then thinking it would be cool or ok if they used the same words on their blog or in conversation. Heck, it's not that I never swear IRL, but when I do it's hardly ever cool. In a way it's more fun to use soft core profanity. I'm always looking for a new ones to use that I'm not used to. So if you know a good unusual one, let me know. And if you are into swear words, you can always replace (in your head while you read) the soft core profanity with the appropriate hard core one. What the heck, it's part of my blogging formula.
Hey, I think these things out in advance.
I don't think I could call my blog a profanity free zone. Some of the things I discuss are more adult-oriented, or at least more controversial. I'm not sure how profanity fits into all of that. I'm sorry if I've used profanity on your blog.
"Replacement" profanity is interesting; rent (I'm not sure it's on the air anymore) a couple episodes of the T.V. series "Firefly". Don't try to use the series as a primer in Mandarin, though. Better yet, try this wikipedia page.
You have a very clean blog Diane.
I don't mind someone else using whatever words they want on my blog or elsewhere. I usually enjoy it. I'm just trying not to swear myself. Perhaps it is a stupid rule.
New ways to swear: English as a Second F*ing Language. Don't ask me how I know about this book or I'll have to kill you.
You bring up a good point: Kids coming across your blog. Um... you've read my blog, you know its content is pretty shady. Makes me think I should privatize it. The exhibitionist side of me likes it being public in a sick and twisted way, but THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
Oh you aren't bad soulglo. :) I hope you don't change your blog on account of me.
I just got an idea and went with it. It started because someone I know had a baby and lived in a big city in a building not far from above the street. At night with the window open she could hear swear words from below and thought about her child.
Then it became kind of a challenge for me to express myself without swearing. And then it became kind of fun, and now I can't stop it. I don't think it matters that much in this day and age.
I don't think too many kids are interested in my blog anyway. There are many more interesting things out there for kids than our blogs.
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