The storm blew off and the moon came out again. A light woke me up in the night. The moon was shining in on me and the empty pillow next to me, a haunting reminder. I got dressed and went outside. I could smell the sage brush in the wind coming down off of the hills behind the cabin. A mix of smells. It's unique. Something from my childhood. My earliest memories.
After a while I went back in. The cabin has its own smell and sounds. Like the sound of the old refrigerator as the pump comes back on in the night. It's and old sound. A sound from the past. Sometimes I leave the bedroom door open so I can hear it go on and off.
I closed the door and spread an old quilt out over the bed and got back in.
I know that smell of sage brush in the wind, especially after it rains. It is a sweet sweet smell, It reminds me of so many moments growing up in Montana.
How is the book?
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night. It's cool and the city is relatively quiet. Sometimes it's raining, and the sound of the rain wakes me up.
I like to listen to the dishwasher churn when I go to sleep. It's a comforting sound, much better white noise than a fan.
I saw stars for the first time in a while last weekend. That was a treat.
When I get cold I grab my Oredigger Sweatshirt blanket and throw that over the covers.
trm, I picked some fresh sage and then went into the mountains on my way home and got some cedar bows to make a few smudge sticks. I need to do that tonight.
Diane, the book is good. The chapters are short and that's good for my short attention span. It's about a lit teacher who quits her teaching position at the university when the revolution happened, and they started to ban western lit. So she had her female students come over to her house to study and the book is about those meetings and how life was for women in that situation in Iran.
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