Here is a random letter from my mom. She calls me Donald. My fifth grade teacher is the one who changed my name to don as she noticed that all of my friends were calling me don. From then on I was known as don to all. Donny to some of my coaches. But some people who knew me before fifth grade still call me Donald. Like my sister. So that's cool, I guess. As long as they don't call me skunk face I don't care.
My aunt Gertrude is coming to visit in this letter. Aunt Gertrude is now dead. I really loved her. She looked exactly like an aunt Gertrude should look. She was seriously into crochet. I used to love it as she sat there in the cabin with her bag of yarn spinning her web. There was something calming about it. She croched everything and it funded her bingo habit. She croched things to put on spare toilet paper for your bathroom that looked like a poodle. Things to put on kleenex boxes. Sun hats made out of Purex bottles, and my favorite the "Poop Duck" that you fill with jelly beans and squeeze, and a bean will come out of it's butt. When I find my poop duck I'll show you a picture and also one of Aunt Gertrude.
Here is the letter from my mom;
Dear Donald,
Did you get your deer yet? I think hunting season lasts way too long. Of course, I'm not a hunter.
Sat, night Alice & I went to hear the 2-piano concert of (so and so, and so and so.) (I know the first so and so and that's why she brought this up.) It was wonderful. At the last (so and so's) jazz group played. They are quite good but they played, & played, & played. Alice thought they were having so much fun they fogot all of us were stil there. Some people left finally, but we stayed to the end. There was a reception afterward, but it cost $5. so we didnt' go.
Tomorrow I'm going to work on the election again & have decided to vote for (so and so) again. (over)

***Notice the upside down message in the letter. knitting lingo not crochet. But still I thought it was cool since Aunt Gertrude is mentioned. Mom was using a subliminal message in her letter.
Kids love the poop duck. :)
I do too, But I'm afraid that people would think I'm a psychopath if I had a poodle cover on my spare toilet paper. It worked for Uncle Carl however.
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