I'm at work and this gal askes me, "does any one in your family smoke a pipe?" I'm like, what? (Clearly she does not understand where I come from, but I had to mess with her.) "Yes!" I said. "I smoke a pipe, sometimes my mom smokes a pipe, my aunts and uncles all smoke pipes,...We all smoke pipes!" as I eyeballed the pipe tobacco she was about to give away. Well she was onto me, but I said "I'll take it!" I told you I was a pack rat. Free pipe tobacco! How cool is that?! How many people in prison would die for this?!.. I suspect pipe tobacco is very expensive even on the outside. I don't smoke, but I'm thinking I'll take the pipe tobacco and put it in my camper. I'll get a couple of pipes and then at hunting camp when people come to my camper I'll say, "Would you like a beer?,... or a pipe maybe?...

Can't go wrong with Sir Walter Raleigh.
I don't smoke anything at all, but I don't mind the smell of a good cigar. I can't stand cigarette smoke though. I would think pipe smoke would be OK.
That cracks me up! Sir Walter Raleigh? Hey, that is who my town is named after. Small world!
I imagine myself like Fred MacMurray. I'd put on a smoking jacket in my den with a picture of an airplane on the wall. But then he died of cancer I think...
I had a professor who smoked a pipe. In his office, come to think of it. He looked like Orson Welles. It smelled good. You always knew when he was in.
I remember another guy who had a fancy western place and had a saddle bag (for a horse) hanging over a railing of a loft, and it had pipe tobacco in it to give off a fragrance for the place. I might try something like that.
I tried to smoke a cigar up in the woods and liked the taste but then it stayed in my mouth for the next week!
There will be no smoking for don.
Where is hunting camp, and do I need to bring my own pipe?
Camp is near Krum Meadows. The hunting is Crummy but the smoking will be good. BYOP, tobacco is on me.
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