Sunday, April 01, 2007

April cyber tree

Here is Miss April cyber tree. I took this photo last Wednesday. The snow conditions have depreciated quite a bit in the last few days, but it was trying to snow yesterday when I left the mountain. Today is a blue bird day and much cooler so the skiing will be better. I found $10 on the ground on Friday so that paid for my gas yesterday. Only 2 weeks of skiing left.


Diane Lowe said...

Miss April looks like she's dancing! (Or gyrating like a DNA helix. . . .)

don said...

I hadn't thought of that! I'm sure she does quite a bit of dancing in the wind right there. That is an Alpine Fir. Correct me if I'm wrong Curt. Most of the trees up there are but they are usually more symetrical. Gives the pace a unique look. This one gets blasted by the wind.

Anonymous said...

You are correct, sir. At least that's what I noticed the most of up there.

Congrats on the tenner.

By the way, did you collect the six cents?


don said...

Thanks Curt, I did find the nickel, but I couldn't find the penny. I'm going to send you an e-mail about skiing so check your mail.

The Wordpecker said...

Another lovely photo! What a beautiful blue sky.

10-bucks. Sure beats pennies from heaven!

don said...

Thanks! The air is pure this time of year for sure.