I went skiing today. I rode up the bunny hill chair from the lower parking lot to the main resort area. A little girl skied up next to me in the lift line and asked if I was single, so she got on the chair with me on that ride. She was a cool little kid but not as small as the last one I rode with. She was probably about 10. She said she was skiing alone today because her friend couldn't go. We had a nice conversation, mostly about wearing helmets and the rain. That chair goes by some condos and she told me that she wished she lived in one of them and would go skiing out the door every day. I told her I'd like to do the same thing. Later in the day I was waiting at the top of the bunny hill for a person I work with who was told me she would be there. I never found her but this little girl got off of the chair. She smiled at me and then off she went. She skied down a ways and then looked back to see if I was watching. She was a pretty good little skier in her second year. She is going to be a great skier. Her form was really good for her age and her second year. She carved some nice turns and then looked back. I was impressed.
I went to the recreational race course which was totally fogged in. The fog was really thick. On my first run I fell. At first I thought it wasn't so bad but then I got tangled up and felt one of my skis load up to an uncomfortable level. Thankfully that ski came off and I was ok. So I skied down and got on the chair and went back to the start again. I was hard to even find the start in the fog. One time I skied too low and had to climb back up to it. I ended up getting the fastest time of the day and I think that is a first for me. I even beat Bonnie who is a 16 year old girl, and one of the fastest girls for her age in the country. She beats me all the time. Her dad is a coach and they probably run more gates in a week than I do all year. She and her brother are home schooled so they have plenty of time off to ski race. I don't think she was trying that hard today however, and probably didn't want to get hurt in the fog. I didn't hold anything back however.
After doing that I got on the highspeed chair with a safety patrol woman. She was cool and had an eastern European accent. I totally melt if a woman has an accent like that. I find it so sexy! I found out that she was from Hungary. I would have liked to spend more time with her. I ask her if it wasn't foggy on the back and she told me that it was clear down below but raining. So I went to the back. It wasn't bad and I got some good turns in and managed to stay somewhat dry.
Tomorrow I think I'll hunker down and make a batch of jerky. It is supposed to rain with high winds.
It seems like every ski hill I have been to has a 'panty tree'. I have never felt the need to leave a donation at any of them.
There was a tree higher on the mountain used for this but they cut it down, and now this is the new tree. I thought it should have a place in my cyber tree museum.
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